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Video Storytelling for
Cultural Promotion

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goes :art bietet folgende Produktionsleistungen und Beratung für Kunstgalerien, Museen, KünstlerInnen, DesignerInnen und Kulturunternehmen an:


  • Video Portrait (Künstlerportrait & Galerie Imagefilm)

  • Webclips / Videotrailer (Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Instagram und Webseite)

  • Künstlergespräch Dokumentation (Artist Talk Documentation)

  • Performance Videodokumentation

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Rodrigo Valenzuela / AMERICAN TYPE

Rodrigo Valenzuela / AMERICAN TYPE

Unterstützen Sie den Kulturjournalismus ! Wir als Kultur-Nachrichtenmedium tun alles, um Sie seriös und umfassend zu informieren. Unterstützen Sie uns und tragen Sie dazu bei, die Zukunft des Kulturjournalismus zu sichern. Ihr Beitrag sichert freien Zugang zu umfassendem Journalismus. Jeder Beitrag zählt! _______________________________________________ RODRIGO VALENZUELA AMERICAN TYPE Galerie Lisa Kandlhofer Brucknerstrasse 4 1040 Vienna, Austria Exhibition: 23 Nov 2018 - 12 Jan 2019 In his photographic series Valenzuela challenges American culture and a simplified approach to representation by revealing his labor-intensive process of translating spaces and objects into images. The title American Type refers to an essay by Clement Greenberg. Greenberg put Abstract Expressionist artists like Jackson Pollock and Franz Kline on the international map by famously identifying a distinctly American characteristic in Post-war art. Greenberg argued that painting was about the act of painting rather than a complex idea of representation. Following WWII America was fast becoming a great power in the world, one that could impose itself on anything. This perception of American power is for Valenzuela still very relevant today. In this work he points to the flaws in this approach to representation. Questioning what it is about American culture that wants to create something that is devoid of content. As a culture why do we want things to be straight forward, lacking in subtext and complex critical thinking? Valenzuela's images of barren desert landscapes, the iconographic American West, invoke ideas of both expansion and opportunity. Though they also represent painful histories of erasure that reso-nates with present-day debates on immigration, border control, gentrification and climate change. Furthermore references to architecture and interior spaces are superimposed on the landscapes, taking the form of lines and boxes that the artist describes as "transition zones" and "structures built out of desire." (Presstext, Galerie Lisa Kandlhofer) Filmproduzent, goes :art Regisseur, Jesus Rivero Kamera und Schnitt, Jesus Rivero Journalistin, Judith Bradlwarter Musik Split Phase / Thunder Dub Split Phase / Catching Glitter Creative Commons License Dank an Galerie Lisa Kandlhofer Rodrigo Valenzuela Alle von uns abgebildeten Werke unterliegen dem Schutz des Urheberrechts. Wir besitzen keine Rechte an den Werken.
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