
Interview with Sophie Whettnall
Brussels-based artist, Sophie Whettnall, is an eclectic artist who likes to work with different media and, above all, who tends to...

A provocative exhibition: Ellen Gallagher with Edgar Cleijne: Liquid Intelligence
In a moment of political uncertainty for what concerns the migrant´s debate and the responsibility that Europe certainly has towards it,...

Affordable Art Fair Milan 2019
A wide and rich art fair, where the visitor could "lose himself in art", or -even better- "dive into art", how not to drown it ? We can...

ROME: The street enters art! Art enters the street!
The pioneering artist and leading figure in the DADA movement, Marcel Duchamp argued in one of his writings that “the creative act is not...

DREAM: art meets ...consumerism
Buy your ticket. Put the headphones on. Let whispered stories lull you. Walk through a “golden rain”. Lie on a giant pillow and imagine...

The art of Banksy: a (sharp) visual protest
“A society must assume that it is stable, but the Artist must know, and he must let us know, that there is nothing stable under heaven”...

Promising Paradise: Highlights der Vienna Art Week 2018
Nächste Woche dreht sich in Wien wieder alles um die Kunst. Vom 19. bis 25. November 2018 lädt die VIENNA ART WEEK unter dem Motto...

curated by VIENNALINE
The gallery festival with international curators in Vienna Duration 14/09/—13/10/2018 With the curated by gallery festival initiated in...

„You Are the Light“
Text von Diana Smaczynski Wer bin ich? Was macht mich glücklich? Was kann ich tun, um andere Menschen um mich glücklich zu machen? Diese...

Wein ist Kunst- Eröffnung der Weingalerie Hagn
Eines Nachmittags hielt ich eine elegante Einladung in den Händen, die mich herzlich aufforderte zur Eröffnung der Weingalerie Hagn zu...